In consideration of being allowed to participate in the Pilates sessions provided by Nicola Bryson Pilates, I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:

I understand that participation in pilates classes (in person and online) involves certain risks and may cause or aggravate existing injuries.

I am aware of my own health and physical condition and assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating in the pilates sessions.

Classes with Nicola Bryson Pilates (online and in person) are not a substitute for medical care, and I offer no health warranties or guarantees of any kind.

Nicola Bryson Pilates cannot accept liability for personal injury related to participation in an online class or in person if:

1: Your doctor has advised you against exercise on medical grounds.

2: You fail to observe instructions or safety techniques.

3: It is caused by the negligence of another participant.

4: You fail to disclose any new medical conditions or injuries at the start of the session. If during the class you experience pain or discomfort you must stop immediately and notify the teacher.